Friday 21 October 2011

Don't Chinese take away's piss you off ?

They piss me off for sure !

I hate it when you are at the Chinese waiting at the counter, it's your turn to have your order taken, then the phone rings and they answer it first! Ignorance !!!

This really pissed me off a few years ago at a place in Leeds, same thing happened but I was in a really bad mood that day so as soon as he started speaking I went to the phone and pushed that cut off button and shouted "hey, I was here before the phone call" - he simply said sorry, but I just walked out and never went there again - his ignorance cost him about £700 a year in lost takings.

But it's common though isn't it? and it really pisses me off . . . happens elsewhere too though, maybe harsh just to pick on the Chinese.

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